Gym, and it’s shenanigans.

I recently joined aerobics classes. Just to keep fit. Well, ofcourse to lose weight too. Here is the thing, I’ve been enjoying the whole thing, especially making new friendships and challenging my body. What I however can’t stand, is the confusion I see in myself when we use those stepping boards while doing what they call ‘steps’.

This one here:

Our trainer keeps telling us that the steps are not just for our physical training, but for our brains as well. That as he keeps changing the choreography, we have to train our minds to be keen on the instructions he is giving out. Thus, or rather in other words, we have to always be alert. And he makes complete sense. The problem isn’t him though. It’s me.

That man jumps and jumps and he doesn’t get tired. Me on the other hand, my heart says I either stop or it stops, but one of us has to stop. I have had my proud moments though. I have really been pushing myself. That’s not to say I’ve not had days where I told myself ‘Eh, it’s never that serious. Leo usiende.’ And just like that I did other things instead. That’s the thing with adulthood. There’s always something to be done

Then I feel guilty later for not holding myself accountable. Then I try again. They say the secret is to keep showing up even when you really think you should quit. Especially then.

Infact, were it not for some of the things our gym instructor tells us, alot of us would have stopped going there a long time ago. You know how they tell you ‘Give me ten squats’ and you do that dilligently. Then they add ‘give me ten more’. You keep on. They don’t stop there, ‘now hold as I count ‘niiiiine, eeeeeight, seven, siiiix’ …..

‘Some of you mmesimama, we start again.’

At that point I am normally done and want to slap him but I remember I am the one who chose to do this. But the best is when he says ‘Keep pushing. Ni ngumu lakini itaisha’. And those words are very true. Something may be hard, but it will eventually end.

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